Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Digital Music Milestone


November 26, 2008 - Atlantic Records, unit of Warner Music Group, said 51% of its music
sales in United States are now from digital products (downloads on iTunes, ring tones for cellphones, ringbacks, satellite radio, subscription services); first major record label to hit milestone; 4Q 2008 - digital represented 27% of its Warner's American recorded-music revenue; digital revenue for full fiscal year rose 39%, to $639 million, or 18% of company’s total revenue; 2013 - music sales in United States will decline to $9.2 billion,
from $10.1 billion in 2008 (source: Forrester Research), $14.6 billion in 1999 (source: Recording Industry Association of America); 2009 - NBC expects $1 billion in digital revenue (2007 revenue more than $15 billion); Time Inc., largest magazine publisher, about 9% of
its $2.2 billion revenue in first half of 2008 derived
from digital; online revenue accounted for 12.4% of New York Times overall revenue.


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